CSEET COACHING CLASSES|INSTITUE|CENTER IN COIMBATORE TAMILNADU https://www.araeducation.in/cs-acs-coaching-classes BEST CS Online Live Coaching -CSEET-Ara Education ARA EDUCATION Ara Education FREE CSEET Online Live Classes and Notes *conditions applied BEST CS ONLINE CLASSES : COMPANY SECRETARY COURSE COACHINGCS EXECUTIVE ENTRANCE TEST – CSEET The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) holds the CS Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) for direct admission of the candidates in the CS Executive Programme. Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) is decided to be held 4 times in a year that is the month of May, July, November, and January. Visit: https://cseetcoaching.com The curriculum of CSEET includes Computer Based Test of 120 Minutes consisting of four parts 50 marks each viz. Business Communication; Legal Aptitude & Logical Reasoning Economic and Business Environment & Current Affairs and Viva Voce of 15 Min...